President Uhuru Kenyatta has on Wednesday July 6, 2022 signed into law the Sustainable Water Management Bill.  The new Sustainable Waste Management Act establishes a robust legal and institutional framework for sustainable management of waste to ensure the realisation of the constitutional requirement on the right to a clean and healthy environment.

It provides mechanisms for policy, coordination and oversight of waste management, and promotion of a circular economy for green growth by, among other provisions, establishing the Waste Management Council whose mandate includes overseeing implementation of the national sustainable waste management strategy.

Multi-link is proud to have been involved in the formulation and stakeholder engagement of this progressive legislation.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was on July 7 2022 inaugurated as the Global Champion for the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP), an initiative of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) which aims to raise 25 billion US dollars for investment in Africa’s climate adaptation initiatives.

The President was, at the event held at the University of Nairobi’s Taifa Hall in Nairobi City County, also feted by GCA for his leading role in advocacy and resource mobilization for climate change adaptation in Africa and globally.

The recognition was given to the Head of State by GCA CEO Patrick van Verkooijen who commended President Kenyatta for his sterling efforts in tackling the climate change challenge.

In his acceptance speech, President Kenyatta noted that most of the socio-economic challenges facing Africa are attributable to climate change and pledged his full commitment to advancing the continent’s adaptation agenda.

Multi-link received  Special Accreditation  for the preparatory process for the Global Compact for Migration

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, is the first intergovernmental agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, to cover all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

Multi-link participated in the entire preparatory process after receiving special Accreditation from the Office of the President of the General Assembly. 

Multi-link was represented in the preparatory process by its Managing Director Michael Njoroge who thanked the Office of the President of the General Assembly of United Nations, IOM and European Union for facilitating his participation for the year-long process. 

“The entire process has been challenging and deeply rewarding. I have made valuable professional connections throughout the process. The nexus between migration and climate events is important and needs attention as climate induced extreme events are on the rise, and with it increased migration.” Michael Njoroge – MD 

Multi-link Group has been selected as one of the firms from around the globe that will benefit from the 2015 GSBI Accelerator programme.

The GSBI Accelerator highlights investment readiness as a central theme. It partners with the Impact Capital program, which provides thought leadership in coordinating appropriate capital and financial innovation. Together, these programs address disconnects in investment readiness in the social enterprise ecosystem, as articulated by impact investors and social entrepreneurs alike. Impact investors helped architect the 2013 GSBI Accelerator.

The GSBI Accelerator helps social entrepreneurs understand and fill gaps in their organizations that prevent them from achieving scale and helps them identify and find appropriate capital to rapidly increase their impact. Embracing impact investors as a constituency in capacity development helps social entrepreneurs demystify the fundraising challenge by conveying what investors seek; it also highlights the work of social enterprises to appropriate financial capital sources.

The GSBI Accelerator addresses several key needs as social enterprises prepare to scale:

Business model evaluation and refinement

Financing plan for scaling and preparation for diligence

Operational excellence at scale

Organizational development and talent management

Marketing strategy and execution

Mentoring is at the core of the GSBI Accelerator program. Each social entrepreneur selected as a part of a cohort is paired with two Silicon Valley executive mentors and one Local Mentor.