Multi-link CEO/MD has yet again shone in this year’s World Leadership Congress Awards in Mauritius. This comes in the back-heel of the 2016 Future Leader Award that he won in South Africa at the Utility Week Awards.

The Leadership Awards is all about Achievers, Super Achievers and Future Business Leaders. This glamorous event attracts the best of the best from all over the world. This event also highlight, recognize and reward their ability to steer their businesses through turbulent times, applying the best of business modules to manage and keep their missions afloat.

These awards recognize the achievements made by selected high profile corporate business leaders and honor their great contributions towards the country’s post-recession economic development. All these fine exemplary leaders will be mentioned of their impeccable leadership qualities deeming it fit into nation building.

Multi-link CEO was grateful to the Organizers, selection Committee and all the staff of Multi-link who make it possible.



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